Get Your Cash Offer Today!

What is an Instant Offer?

The Instant Offer program is your easy button when it comes to selling your home. Unlike other programs out there, we are local, we know the market and you can trust us to get you to the closing table.

How it Works:

1. Schedule A Listing Appointment

An MC agent will meet you at your home to learn about the property and determine if it’s eligible for the Instant Offer program.

2. Get Your Instant Offer

If your property qualifies, you’ll receive an Instant Offer from a Matt Curtis listing agent within 48 hours. No showings, no repairs & no cleaning!

3. Review Your Instant Offer

Your MC agent will review your Instant Offer with you and explore all the selling options to determine which is best for your unique situation.


4. Accept Your Instant Offer

After you review your Instant Offer, decide if you want to accept and sell hassle-free.


5. Home Inspection

We’ll schedule and complete a home inspection as part of the normal closing process.

6. Pick Your Closing Date

We’ll schedule the closing based on your timeline – after you close on your new home or in as little as one week! Close and collect your funds!

Move with us today, give us a call!